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Where's Your Calendar?

I think it is understandable if you can't find it...I mean, really, what would you have used it for in the last 8 weeks? We have not been able to plan on anything! I am here to give you a few things to scribble -- but caution...USE PENCIL. In a world full of deadlines and expectations, let me assure you; nothing is set in stone, but then, I know that you are all very resilient, adaptable and good-hearted so let's take a stab at this together. Come with me!! Into the Unknown!! (Allison, stop singing).

The last week of classes would have normally been...THIS WEEK! But we started back a week later from spring break so next week is our last "OFFICIAL WEEK "of classes. Now, hold on there cowboy, dont cha go makin' any sharp turns.

So, Monday is the Memorial Day holiday (please don't go get snuggly with strangers at the beach; that could really throw a wrench in these loosely structured plans) and we do not hold classes on Memorial Day and we usually do not have a make up day. However, knowing that we actually need this time, we ask that you slide your Monday dance classes right down the line to Friday, May 29th --same "Bat-times" Stay tuned in case your class has an onsite options on that day (TBD)

The two weeks that follow (week of June 1st and June 8th) will be scheduled rehearsals which we are tentatively planning for online refreshers as well as a mitigated schedule of onsite rehearsals which will have to be staggered. A culminating event is tentatively planned for June 19-21. Rehearsal dates and times and performance details are still TBD. One little moving part is Curtain Calls inability to produce a large portion of our costumes. Ahem. That has been a very difficult situation not just for CDPA. They are struggling as they are in PA and have not been able to get into the office, much less the factory. We are working through that part. I assure that a full measure of guidelines and protocols are being considered and fleshed out for this. I do NOT take this lightly.

Our Lads and Lassies Camp will remain in it's scheduled week (June 22nd - 26th) but Princess Camp has been moved to the week following which begins June 29th. Details to follow but platform will have on site and online components to meet the needs of our client base. CDPA Summer Dance 2020 will be reEnvisioned for a start date of July 6th. It is our intention to run a 4-week program in the evening and end on July 31st to allow for transition back to the school year. The schedule has to be reconfigured to accommodate sanitation and health guidelines and the logistics of teachers and students willing and able to participate in on site classes. We will be offering continued online programming as well. CDPA will offer day camp for the four full weeks of July. More details to follow!

The Ensemble Back to Dance Workshop will be held August 1 - August 6. Times TBD and our tentative start date for Fall classes is August 17th. I do not want to open with school this year as I feel it may be too strained for parents and students. This date may shift to accommodate the idea of minimizing return to schedule stressors.

I am sorry that these dates are not perfectly set, but COVID-19 is in control, not us. Please be mindful that I have back up plans A-F but ultimately I cannot do anything until the Governor opens us into Phase 2 and beyond. Please have faith in CDPA, our mission continues to be based on service to you.

Please do not share any dates or (lack of) details with anyone as a contract for a particular space has not been signed. You all will be the first to know!! But in the meantime help your dancers begin preparations to perform!! And watch for special dates and activities leading up to our events. Coming up we will have a SHOW SOME STUDIO LOVE Day (this weekend) We have a HEART for everyone one of YOU, and we would love to have you stop by the Studio and Have Your Picture Made with your heart and post on Social Media to show your studio love and help us promote our programming for the summer and year ahead. We will also be having a Costumes at the Curb pick up soon, Awards Night information and details on recital pictures and shows. COVID-19 will not blur our VISION; ours is 2020!

Dr K


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