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Insert Spinning Clock Here

I could not have guessed that I had not written here since July. What happened? Does anyone else feel like time created some vortex of paralysis and sucked us all in? We are in month NINE!! When we pivoted in March and through June I was one kind of tired...PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY EXHAUSTED! I was just about to pull it all together until the "return to school" and emotional chaos that followed. Unless you are a teacher or live with a simply have NO CLUE. It is an indescribable sensation to try and explain; something I am not sure that anyone will ever fully understand and will certainly get little recognition in the history books. I cannot imagine those in the medical field and first responders' stress. I celebrate, salute, honor and uplift you all in my prayers each day; but I will tell you this too, that teachers are carrying the weight of the world and with little or NO HELP or CARE from the "powers that be." The most insulting thing our administrators have done is to refer to us as superheroes and use that as a guise to downplay the abuse of power to oppress the profession. We are not superheroes. If we go in a closet and spin around three times, we have the exact same abilities when we come out! No cape. Can't fly. No powers to affect change. It takes the down and dirty but exponentially factored and weighing on a mentally exhausted framework. Sound dramatic? It's not. It's REAL and I am placing this here for two reasons: 1) to applaud all the CDPA parents that are also teaching and trying to sustain their sense of self and normalcy and 2) so that you will understand how powerful it is when I say that arriving at 5pm to greet your children is what has SAVED ME! THANK YOU to the families who have stayed the course and walked this walk with me and with CDPA! You are the STARS of this show!

Speaking of "shows," we just completed our OPEN CLASSES week and it really went well. For the most part we were able to have a good time and showcase what we have been working on. While we missed having parents onsite, it was awesome to welcome grandparents and other family members so we will definitely keep that going forward!! We invite you to come out and see our CDPA Performing Ensemble these next three nights in our 26th production of IN HIS NAME..WE DANCE! This is a non-denominational performance that invites audiences of all ages to take one hour to reflect and find peace in the spirit of the season! Performance times and tickets can be found on the website link.

Our Scottish Highland Dancers and families have been keeping busy with outdoor performances and regular appearances at Mount Dora's PLAID IN THE PARK event on second Fridays! Come out and join us and make it a family night with great music, shopping and restaurants! Our dad's love it!

If you are looking to add classes this January please reach out soon and let's look at the best placement for your child. Also share our website and studio information with friends and neighbors! It's a great time to add a class, join a class or take up something entirely new! We look forward to dancing with you! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


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