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FALLing Forward

The CDPA Fall Programming framework is out now and if you did not receive it via JackRabbit, please contact me to request the information or comb through the page here on the website to see what my plan for fall is. Classes will resume on August 10 (Back to Dance Workshop for Ensemble begins August 3). The program is structured to reduce exposure while broadening the depth of study for all of our current CDPA students. As you see, we are using a Learning Corps (pod) approach and content for all students will be inclusive of appropriate genres for their age and level. The pricing structure has been simplified as a reflection of the new programming, so you will select your classes, add the total hours for the family and apply your discount. You will be invoiced for the start of year for the registration fee, and the first two months of tuition. This will help us cover lost ground from substantionally lower summer enrollment and help us to salvage our space. A full recovery is not expected for some time but I believe we will remain open and viable. This summer has felt like a large dog with hip dysplasia trying to stand up on a hardwood floor....oh wait, that IS my dog!

I am glad to see that many CDPA families have been able to get away and have some much longed for rest and recuperation time. The family unit has certainly been assaulted by this virus and it is important that you claim some normalcy when you are able. I hope this has helped you to connect with the peace and calm needed to make decisions about school options for your child. The fall programming at CDPA is also designed to be sensitive to the varied learning structures that our students will be using and how unsteadying that will be as they begin to interact in their dance environment. The week is longer for me and it does take us back to utilizing Saturdays (that was standard for the first 22 years of CDPA), but I believe it is a healthy schedule for the students and, since I will be teaching the classes as we start, I will be able to monitor what shifts need to be made. All students will have the option of remaining online with the caveat and understanding that hybrid online is far different from all online. The student will need to take much more agency in their learning as the teacher has to attend to onsite bodies in space as well and this challenges the literal and figurative focus of the instruction.

Our current protocols will remain in place though we will ramp them up for the fall as we have students who are going to school during the day. We will still primarily use just the one studio, no parents in the space, limited bags and shoes, handwashing first, masks at all times and no shared props. We will monitor Six-Foot-Safe placement and adapt curriculum to reduce and further limit opportunities for infection. Teachers who have traveled to hot spots or outside of the state will suspend their teaching or teach remotely only. Students who have traveled under those same conditions or who have had an exposure are asked to take class remotely for two weeks before returning to onsite lessons. I am confident that with transparency, communication and grace, we will proceed through this dance year with a positive impact on the lives of our students during a time when they need that more than ever. I believe in the power of dance education to fill the gaps in achievement, physical deficits of non-contact living and learning, and the social-emotional learning component that keeps our young learners grounded and steady in their lives. I hope you will support my intentions to provide this for your child and continue to support CDPA as a viable part of our community!

Thank you for your support as we FALL into this new dance year!

Dr K


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